
Vinmar International Compliance

The Vinmar International Group companies place the highest value on integrity in all its business dealings. Vinmar expects the same commitment from its agents, representatives, consultants, business partners, suppliers as well as any other party with whom it conducts business. We expect all such parties to conduct all business activities with Vinmar in an honest and ethical manner and to avoid all actual or apparent conflicts of interest.

It is the policy of Vinmar to comply with the laws of all countries in which it transacts or conducts business, including but not limited to all anti-competition, anti-corruption (both public and private), anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism laws and regulations.

To discuss any issues or concerns, or to learn more about our compliance activities and policies, please contact:

Mark S. Antonvich

Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer
Houston, TX 77060
Phone: 1.281.618.1361

Compliance Inquiry

Or send a message using the form below:
